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Cheese and Wine Club

Embracing the finer things in life: Care Home Residents' Monthly Cheese and Wine Club.

One might think that living in a care home means sacrificing some of life's pleasures, but the Cheese and Wine Club has proven otherwise. This monthly gathering not only elevates residents' spirits but also provides an opportunity for them to savour the exquisite flavours, socialise, and reminisce about happy memories.

The club's success can be attributed to its careful planning and execution by the head chef and kitchen staff, recognising the residents' desires and diverse preferences, and thoughtfully curating an assortment of cheeses, pairing them perfectly with an array of wines. From mild and creamy Brie to sharp and tangy Cheddar, the cheese selection never fails to surprise and delight taste buds. Complemented by a selection of reds, whites, and rosés, the wine adds a touch of elegance and allure to the affair.

More than just a delightful gastronomic experience, the Cheese and Wine Club serves as a celebration of the residents' lives and backgrounds. It becomes a platform for sharing anecdotes, and stories, It is incredible to witness the relationships forming and strengthening among residents as they bond over their shared love for these indulgent treats.


July 1, 2023




Washington Manor


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