Star Apprentice
Gwen loves housekeeping and confided in staff she has been ever so curious to how the Laundry system worked within the home. Well it is Gwen's lucky day, or should we say the housekeeping teams lucky day!
During a pamper session resident Gwen confided in a care assistant that she loves housework and missed pottering around. Gwen also told staff she has been ever so curious as to how the laundry works for 60+ people, and she always gets it back immaculate. Gwen asked if she could visit the laundry? Down to the laundry went Gewn. Up from the laundry arrived the newest member of the housekeeping team - Gwen the Star apprentice! Gwen commented she was so happy she could almost cry. Although Gwen was not best pleased about the 30-minute lunch break, and has started a petition for extended breaks.
The housekeeping team have provided Gwen with her own Tunic, which they have advised Gwen will be laundering herself as they can't get it off her back!
June 8, 2023
Guisborough Manor
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